I love New York. After my first trip to NYC, I understood why that saying exists. While my initial destinations were places for surfing or skiing, I have a deep passion for design, fashion, and the arts. So, I decided to visit NYC. I have two different ways of seeing NYC:
First, I must say that every corner of New York is so vibrant and alive, and it's no secret to anyone who visits. I remember sitting on a park bench, feeling like I was part of a scene from a Woody Allen movie, just observing everyone: some people were shouting furiously, others were sitting quietly with their books, some were engrossed in work calls, and some were making TikTok videos. So many people, each busy with their own lives, all coexisting in the same place.
I must also add that, despite my tendency to romanticize everything, I can see that many people living in NYC have come from far away in pursuit of the American dream. They've left behind their families, friends, and sometimes everything they had. Some of them are chasing a better life, while others have had no choice but to escape their challenging realities.
In conclusion, the world can sometimes be so unjust, but New York is New York because it's all about the people who are there. It's the diverse experiences that everyone brings that make the city full of culture and contrasts, yet magical and unique—the one and only New York.


